Cat mobility

  1. Cat Mobility Vet Blog

You may notice that as your cat gets older they aren’t as nimble as they once were. It’s easy to assume this is just a natural part of ageing; however, just like humans, cats can suffer from a debilitating disease called arthritis. Today, it’s estimated that 1.5 million cats live with arthritis across Australia and New Zealand.
As cats naturally disguise pain and discomfort, arthritis can be very difficult to spot. It’s important that we as owners learn to recognise the subtle signs so our cats can get back to being their normal self.
Although arthritis is a lifelong condition, it can be managed with appropriate treatment and simple changes to your cat’s home and lifestyle.

Signs of Arthritis

Cats naturally disguise pain and discomfort as a defence mechanism so the signs of arthritis are difficult to spot. You can help identify arthritis early by keeping an eye out for some subtle changes in behaviour:

Reduced mobility

Hesitant to jump up or down

Making smaller jumps

Difficulty climbing the stairs, getting into the litter or using the cat flap


Reduced activity

Increased time sleeping.

Hesitant to play

Unwilling to go out or explore

Changes in mood

Irritable when handled

Increased aggression or biting

Avoiding contact with people or other animals

Changes in hygiene

Reduced time spent grooming

Matted and scruffy coat

Inappropriate urination or not using the litter tray

If you are noticing any of these signs in your cat, please contact us on 9295 6777. There are many treatments that can be provided to help your cat get back to their sprightly best.

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