You have been missed …………….
Now that the weather has turned to winter, the cold tends to almost seep into our joints
You are certainly able to see pets influenced by that cold too – not surprising as 70% of our pets over 8 years of age have arthritis. Hopefully your pet is one of the 30%, however consider whether you see any of the following:
Lagging behind on walks
Sensitive to some areas being touched (most commonly over back or pelvis)
Stiffness when getting up, or laying down
Laying down for longer periods of time
We want to offer something that is intended to make both you and your pet happy (well – …… happier)
If you feel that any of signs above are what you see, or have a worry that arthritis may be present, we want to offer a special arthritis check up. As a bonus to you, until July 31st we will take $20 off the cost of this arthritis consult.
Think you may be interested? Phone us (92956777) and chat – we would love to see you back.